Last year, Mona and Rehanna, 12 year old girls in Jasola village, Delhi, were about to drop out of school because their parents were not able to afford it. This year, both girls can be sure they will complete their schooling. They are enrolled in Sakshi Girls Education project which will support them financially and educationally till graduation. To celebrate the achievements of girls like Mona and Rehanna and mark International Women's Day, Sakshi organized a festive celebration at one of its education centres on March 9. The Chief Guest was the First Lady of Arunachal Pradesh Mrs. Anupama Singh.
An Enjoyable Program
Sakshi Girls Education Project pupils put on an entertaining and informative performance including a:
Group Song on "Values"
Role Play on the "Importance of Girls' Education"
graceful Rajasthani Dance with accompanying folk song with catchy lyrics (cycle tyre puncture kar lo!).
The audience clapped and cheered the girls on heartily. Sakshi President Dr. Mridula Tandon then talked about the importance of a girls education noting, for example, that educated mothers were twice as likely to have a healthy child. Chief Guest Mrs. Anupama Singh shared inspiring personal examples motivating the students to complete their studies. She also asked the girls to stay grounded and close to their cultures.
"I wish my parents had enrolled in Sakshi as children"
Mrs. Anupama Singh asked the girls to come up and share their experiences with education. Completely impromptu, girls shared how Sakshi classes had helped them excel at school to the amazement of their school teachers. One girl mentioned she had won a dance contest and how proud she was to attend a tuition (Sakshi) where she learnt so many different things. One girl shyly shared an anecdote about a recent Sakshi trip to the Book Fair where a famous writer Manoj Das clapped for her when she answered his question!
Read the Vice-President of India's message of support to Sakshi on International Women's Day
Prize Giving
Last but not least was the prize-giving ceremony. Chief Guest Mrs. Anupama Singh and Sakshi President Dr. Mridula Tandon gave out prizes, a set of notebooks and pencils, to this term's winners of the Sakshi Girls Education Project song, dance and GK quiz contests. Finally, everyone moved about talking, laughing and interacting with each other. The event went much over time but then, time flies when you are having fun!
Learn more about Sakshi Girls Education Project.