Going to school is not an obvious component of life in the communities Sakshi works in. Parents who are poor and illiterate themselves are not convinced education is a good investment of time for their children especially girls.
Through door to door drives, street plays etc, Sakshi educates parents in these communities about the advantages of education and convinces them to send their children especially girls to school.
Door to Door Recruitment
When a new education centre is opened, Sakshi teachers and social workers who come from these same communities go door to door to recruit children, persuading the parents.
Monthly Parent Teacher Meetings
They then hold monthly meetings with the parents to reinforce the message and discuss the importance of education. This greatly helps in reducing truancy and drop-outs. It is a constant work and can prove exhausting because it involves changing a mindset.
Right: Monthly PTA with Sakshi staff in Jasola
Home Visits
If children miss school or do not come regularly, Sakshi teachers and social workers perform home visits to rectify the situation. This can mean discussing why the child should go to school or this can mean arranging for medical care the parents are too poor to provide to a sick child.
Children as Community Catalysts
Sakshi also mobilizes its school children to become catalysts of education in their communities taking part in Sakshi/s recruitment drives and street theatres spreading the message of education.
Below: School girls participate in Sakshi's "Getting Girls to School Drive"
Below: Sakshi school children perform a Nukkad Natak (Street Play) on the Importance of Education